5 Things You Really, Absolutely, Totally Have To Get Rid Of By The End Of The Year

You would need to more than just sweep, scrub, brush, and wipe! It's time for the great fall clean out where you let go of your outdated, crusty, and dirty stuff. There is no need to go all-out; just update and upgrade a few key pieces and you will instantly improve the vibe in your home for you to enjoy it more.

Here are 5 things you really, absolutely, totally have to say goodbye to this yearend according to Realty Times:

Your big-butt TV

That big black box sure looked cool in the 90's, but we're now in the flat screen televisions era. You wouldn't want to be the only person in your block enjoying the Late Night Show through that machine that probably weighs more than you do. Toss that ginormous electronic picture box that's taking too much of your entertainment space and get a decent-sized flat screen TV - you will be surprised to get one for the cost of one week's worth of grocery.

Your nasty carpet

So how do you know when your carpet already falls to the "nasty" department? When no amount of scrubbing, steaming, deep-cleaning can make the deep-seated stains go away.

You can get fresh wall-to-wall carpeting that now comes with an extra stain resistant type. There are also carpet tiles which are easy to install and change out making them great for accidental spills and dog vomits (icky). If you want something else for a change (or if you already had it with carpets), you can go for the more flexible and customizable throw rug.

That builder grade light fixture

It won't cost you a lot to bring a touch of luxury and sophistication to your space. That builder grade light fixture really has to go. Have that replaced with a chic bronze chandelier or a modern pendant lamp that don't cost more than $100.

That old ceiling fan

Yes, you can picture it in your head. That swirling thing in the ceiling that's made of "wood grain" and out-of-place brassy hardware and making that creaky noise that feels like it's about to dislodge. Oh, don't forget the layers of dust in there. It's time to get a new fan, and now may be the best time as you can save money for buying off-season. They now come in much more modern and stylish designs so stay away from the one you used to have.

Your old lady bedding

You never know when a guest is coming over; and when they do, you don't want them to think that you had anything to do with the drab, dreary, and downright ugly beddings in the guest room. Strip off those lady beddings and get some high-quality sheets for a low cost at Costco or Target. There are plenty of cool designs to choose from that will best reflect your style.

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