‘The Vampire Diaries’ Season 7 Spoilers: Why Caroline Needs to ‘Split’ from Stefan

The story of Stefan and Caroline's romance in the CW supernatural series "The Vampire Diaries" may have caused some fans to feel sad on the turn of events in the show. Many are questioning about the real deal on why the two even broke up even in TVD if there was an evident chemistry and admirable past that these two shared.

Just like in real life, the realness of a relationship not working out is also true in the vampire drama but to back-up a more considerable storyline on why Caroline and Stefan will not work out as a couple in the future, TVLine reveals what Executive Producer Caroline Dries said about it and the reasons are more than what our blonde beauty is currently experiencing with the presence of Valerie in the life of Stefan.

"Valerie is part of the reason, but it's a much bigger, more emotional, legit reason," Dries reveals to TVLine. "It's beyond petty jealousy or Stefan cheating on Caroline or anything like that."

"The Vampire Diaries" season 7 spoilers also revealed that apart from the drama between these two, fans can expect more moments between Caroline and Stefan as hinted again by Dries, the next upcoming episodes will feature more of these two.

"This season is about [our characters] growing up and becoming adults," Dries said.

Dries also added that Stefan's past of almost becoming a father will also be evident on the upcoming episodes, "He'll keep thinking, 'I could have been a dad.' We had many ideas [for their backstory], but we felt this was the most symbolic and thematic."

"The Vampire Diaries" spoilers also revealed that although the fans may find it hard moving on from Caroline and Stefan's romance, the blonde news reporter seems to have healed her heart swiftly and it was even seen before from TVLine's scoop that she may have a new love on the line and may also be ready to get wed soon.

Watch "The Vampire Diaries" season 7 every Sun. on The CW.

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