‘Major Crimes’ Season 4 Episode 11 Spoilers: A Twisted Comeback on ‘Four of a Kind’ and Sharon and Andy’s Relationship going ‘Slow’?

"Major Crimes" series may have pulled some time to excite avid fans for its comeback. Continuing their journey for the fourth season, the series creator James Duff hints to TVLine that the upcoming episode entitled "Four of a Kind" will be "pretty wild." Cartermatt details that the team will be investigating a set of twisted murder that involves a lot of suspected criminals even a highschool girl.

"Major Crimes" spoilers will be revealed. Read along if you want to know more.

"Major Crimes" season 4 episode 11 spoilers revealed that the investigation department will be dealing with more time combing with the death of the four victims of the murder as GW Bailey who plays Provenza in the TNT crime drama says that the episode will be expected as "the beginning of a James Bond movie." Aside from this, the episode will not be complete if a chain of suspected criminals will not be involved and it will be trickier than ever.

"Major Crimes" spoilers according to Cartermatt's synopsis for the episode says, "Four wealthy one percenters are left for dead outside a hospital emergency room in a twisty- curvy murder that leads through an impossible list of suspects, including a high school daughter with her father's iPhone password, a diabetic chauffeur, the owner of several LA parking lots and a mysterious woman with great legs who trips up Lt. Andy Flynn on her way to Mexico."

And it also hints that Rusty is on for a unordinary ordeal as well as he will be "pursuing a taboo subject for his next story "Identity.""

Meanwhile, Sharon and Andy's progressing relationship will go "slower." As Duff revealed from the article of Parade that the injury that Andy got will be spread out in another eight more episodes and this will play the major cause of delay in their relationship.

Watch "Major Crimes" new episode "Four of a Kind" on TNT.

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