‘Pokémon Shuffle’ Update: Mega Gardevoir Takes the Stage, Competition is Live; Brings In New Daily Pokémon

The Nintendo and mobile game "Pokémon Shuffle" has exciting news for its avid fans. The game's Mega Gardevoir challenged has already begun, and the said timed competition is live. Also, the game has new features of Daily Pokémon to add more fun and excitement.

Siliconera reports that "Pokémon Shuffle" has new updates for Nintendo 3DS users as well those who download the game in other mobile gadgets like Android and iPhone.

One of the exciting news of "Pokémon Shuffle" is the Mega Gardevoir timed challenge. This competition has been started already and will end on Nov. 9. But the real treat is not only that but also, as reported, "those who rank in the top 50,000 in Japan, 19,000 in North America and 12,000 in Europe will receive a Gardevoirite to Mega Evolve their Gardevoir."

Another thing that fans should be happy about is the Daily Pokémon 5th round has also started on the Nintendo 3DS version. Siliconera says that for 2 weeks fans will see new Pokémon on their 3DS. For its first week, the Pokémon characters that are featured are "Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Durant, Heatmor and Maractus."

For mobile versions, the second round of Daily Pokémon has also started. Fans would expect to see on their Android and iPhone "Girafarig, Kecleon, Shuckle, Relicanth, and Spiritomb" being featured on the first week.

Along this news also is the return of Kyogre stage to the mobile versions. The stage could be played until Nov. 16, 2015.

On a different note, iDigital Times says that the fairy-type Mega Pokémon allows its players to get the highest possible score in just a matter of minute. But the challenge is that "the Mega Gardevoir stage in Pokémon Shuffle seems to be very tricky as disruptions will flood the field. First it's the breakable blocks but then unbreakable blocks that come flooding in."

As explained in the report, Fairy types are tricky to start. The reason for that is because there are only too few "weakness outside of Steel and Poison types and in Pokémon Shuffle the only Steel-type Mega is Mawile while there is yet to be a Poison-type Mega Pokémon."

So those are a handful of good news about the "Pokémon Shuffle" for Nintendo 3DS, Android, and iPhone.

What are your expectations of the "Pokémon Shuffle?" Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

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