'Star Wars' History: Jar Jar Binks Was Intended To Be A Bad Guy

While theories in the Star Wars universe persist that Jar Jar Binks is actually a villain, someone who knows about the character finally revealed that he is indeed a pawn of the Dark Side of The Force. Ahmed Best, the actor who played the role of Binks, shared to EW that there is a cut scene from the sixth installment "Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith" that suggests Bink's connection to the Dark Side.

According to Cosmic Book News, the said scene shows Binks walking down a hallway with then Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, portrayed by actor Ian McDiarmid, with the latter thanking Binks for his support. The scene references the speech Binks made in the Senate as a delegate from his home planet of Naboo, urging fellow members to grant Palpatine emergency powers, which they did.

This gave Palpatine total control of the vast Clone Army. Palpatine is soon revealed to be the leader of Sith, Darth Sidious, who then used the Army to completely annihilate the Jedi Order and almost succeeded.
Star Wars creator and director George Lucas decided not to include the scene from the movie.

"It was an interesting arc for the character that I thought could have been explored, because the scene is really dark," Best said. "But it just didn't fit in the movie, which I understand. But yeah, George's take on it is Jar Jar is now just a politician."

Observers and hard core fans of the franchise view Best's revelation as an added traction that Binks is actually a powerful member of the Dark Side and not just a mere puppet, as suggested by this fan theory published by BuzzFeed.com.

The fan theory proposes that Binks is a master manipulator and a skilled user of The Force and that his foolish and idiotic actions and dialogues were purposefully intended to mask his intentions.

A number of the Star Wars cast thought Jar Jar Binks was intended to be a breakout character in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace," but negative audience reception prompted Lucas to wash down Bink's further role in the series.

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