‘Minecraft’ Gameplay Update 1.9: Game’s Snapshot 15w45a Changes Igloos And Removes Major Bugs

Game developer Mojang has implemented some tweaks to "Minecraft" snapshot 15w45a. The game's snapshot tweaks igloos which reduces internal temperature, AI and pathfinding for the game's monsters. It was also stressed that the game's snapshot 15w45a has removed more than three dozen bugs this week, a report from iDigital Times said on Friday.

Listed below are the game's complete patch notes for "Minecraft" snapshot 15w45a, according to Jens Bergensten

  • "Added a 'Realms Notifications' toggle in the options menu
  • Removed the new map crafting recipes (different starting size, shearing to go down)
  • The sign in igloo basements is back to the two arrows
  • Tab-completed coordinate arguments now become tildes if no block is in focus
  • Tweaks to pathfinding and monster-AI
  • Adjusted the temperature inside igloos
  • Some performance optimisations
  • Changed the Overpowered achievement to eat "obtain" instead of "craft"

Fixed some bugs

  • Fixed arrows first bouncing back then appearing at the correct location
  • Fixed sideways placed blocks' (quartz, hay bales, wood logs) textures not being rotated properly
  • Fixed 'Pick Block' used on glowing Redstone Ore not giving anything
  • Fixed a tripwire hook block model lighting bug with disabled Smooth Lighting
  • Fixed melon/pumpkin stems facing adjacent grown blocks even if the seed isn't mature
  • Fixed the 'Close Window' packet not being sent from the beacon GUI
  • Fixed thrown items being mirrored
  • Fixed a missing colon after 'Game Mode' on the 'Open to LAN' screen
  • Fixed all wooden doors looking like oak doors on maps
  • Fixed the 'Fuel' tag for furnace minecarts overflowing
  • Fixed cursor-held items not being animated
  • Fixed clocks in item frames not being animated in MP
  • Fixed thrown lingering potions looking like splash potions when thrown
  • Fixed being unable to brew glowstone or redstone on lingering potions
  • Fixed splash and lingering potions do not entering brewing stands via hoppers/droppers
  • Fixed mob AI not jumping one block high when going from slab to slab
  • Fixed clocks animating incorrectly, spins at noon
  • Fixed the shulker collision box
  • Fixed water disturbing mobs' pathfinding
  • Fixed certain characters crashing the game when used in a server IP
  • Fixed items on top of lily pads moving from pad to pad
  • Fixed mobs not being able to move on lily pads - lily pads are now 1px high
  • Fixed dispensers not dispensing elytra
  • Fixed dark oak boats being uncraftable
  • Fixed mobs that are on fire not jumping into water
  • Fixed lily pads being placable on ice and frosted ice but popping off when updated
  • Fixed subtitles not appearing if sound volume is set to off
  • Fixed guardians and elder guardians dropping bows, fishing rods and other fishing treasure/ink
  • Fixed dispensers not dispensing arrows
  • Fixed stair, button, chorus plant, fence, cobblestone wall and fence gate textures being broken
  • Fixed Luck being listed as a negative effect
  • Fixed z-fighting on top of cobblestone walls
  • Fixed leads breaking instantly/teleporting to 0,0,0 visually
  • Fixed mobs moving extremely slowly in water
  • Fixed pre-generated end crystals being invulnerable
  • Fixed the game crashing when wolves/iron golems kill mobs
  • Fixed the 'Fire cackles' subtitle
  • Fixed mobs being unable to hit targets in the middle of a block
  • Fixed being able to get more than 6 tipped arrows from a lingering potion
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