Science News and Updates: Renowned Physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, Revealed Why Aliens Wont Visit Earth

Debates on the existence of intelligent alien life forms in outer space have been around for so many years. And with the recent discovery done by Kepler Spacecraft pointing towards a bizarre space anomaly, another so-called evidence of alien life has been added to the list.

With this new discovery, which suggests an alien civilization, the Fermi Paradox proposed by physicist Enrico Fermi would totally be overturned. In brief, the said paradox espoused a belief that if alien societies exist, then one of them could have colonized a galaxy thus showing us some evidence in the process. And now that possible evidence has been discovered by Kepler Spacecraft, then it would be safe to affirm the idea that aliens really do exist.

However, behind the idea of alien existence, another question seems to gaining more and more attention. The question on why aliens are not announcing their presence and existence to mankind was directly answered by the renowned theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku. According to observer, Kaku stated that;

"Some people say if there are intelligent lifeforms out there, and I think there are, How come they don't visit us? Why don't they land on the White House lawn, announce their presence and give us their technology? If aliens are so that advanced that they can land on the White House lawn, then we are like ants to them, we have nothing to offer them, so the reason that they don't announce their existence to us is that we're boring, they've seen it all. We have nothing to offer a civilization that advanced and that's why I think they don't visit us. We are arrogant to think that we are so interesting, extraterrestrial beings would travel thousands of light years just to visit us. So that's why they don't visit us, we're just not that interesting."

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