NBA RUMORS: Gasol Brothers Looking for New Agents, Pau Gasol to Retire After One Last Great Payday

Gasol brothers, Marc and Paul, have truly carved their presence and name in the NBA. Aside from gaining international recognition, the brothers likewise earned more than enough wealth they imagined while they were still playing at their country. In the background of their successful careers in the NBA, they have their agents to thank for. And now that reports of their agents leaving the Wasserman Media Group, said hoopsrumors, the Gasol brothers are now in search for new agents.

According to a social media post of Jeff Zillgitt from USA Today, he twitted that, "In related note, Marc & Pau Gasol also looking for new agents following Arn Tellem's departure from WMG to Pistons." With this pronouncement, it is said that Pau and Marc are doing their own search for a possible agent, thus suggesting that there would be no package deal for the players. Now that Marc Gasol and Pau Gasol have now left Wasserman Media Group, much of the changes would be affecting the older Gasol, for Pau Gasol would be a free agent in 2016.

With these significant changes, it is to be anticipated that Pau Gasol could amass a huge amount before "possibly resigning." The idea of Pau Gasol resigning was cited by bleacherreport as they said that;

"This doesn't affect Marc as much as it does Pau. The older Gasol is set to be a free agent this summer and could be commanding his last great payday before possibly retiring. Marc Gasol, on the other hand, landed a five-year max deal to stay with the Memphis Grizzlies in July."

This idea of having a new agent, also suggest that chances of Pau Gasol transferring to another team would be great, especially if the offer is worth than what Chicago Bulls is currently giving him. Now the important question aside from the possible retirement of Pau is who would be willing to take Pau Gasol in his free agent year?

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