‘Ash vs. Evil Dead’ Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: ‘Bait’

The second episode of "Ash vs. Evil Dead" is called "Bait" which finds Ash being forced to visit Kelly's home to find out whether her mother is a Deadite or not.

"Ash vs. Evil Dead" is on its second installment and the action packed comedy horror series is in full gear in the episode called "Bait." The episode opens in Ash's trailer where the trio are gathered talking about Deadites. Ash tells them that in order to stop the Deadites, he needs to get a book called "Necronomicon" aka the Book of the Dead.

After hearing him talk about the vile creatures that are poised to destroy mankind, Kelly asks Ash to go with him to her house because she has the nagging suspicion that her supposedly dead mother who came back to her family's home is a Deadite. But Ash declines citing he needs to do some work on his trailer.

Kelly goes home alone while Pablo stayed with Ash. Ash tells Pablo that his priority is to have the book translated but Pablo tells him that Kelly stole the book and took it with her. Ash is forced to go with Pablo to Kelly's house to get the book back. On their way to Kelly's place, they are attacked by a Deadite who took the form of Mr. Roper, Ash's former boss. They were able to cut its head off and they arrive at their destination.

Ash senses something is wrong at Kelly's and he expects Deadites to be all over the place. He and Pablo rushes in with carnage in mind but to their surprise, Kelly's family are having a quiet dinner. Pablo confesses to taking the book so Ash would be forced to help Kelly who explains that her mother just had amnesia. Ash does not buy into her story and it turns out that Kelly's mom is indeed a Deadite. In the ensuing fight, Kelly's Deadite mother kills her father and after burying both her parents, Kelly decides to join Ash in his fight against the Evil Dead.

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