“Days of Our Lives” (DOOL) tease that despite the reunion of Bo (Peter Reckell) and Hope (Kristian Alfonso), she will still encounter more heartbreak following Aiden's (Daniel Cosgrove) death who was killed as a result of his plans to murder Hope.
As Bo came to save Hope, he was able to get back into Hope's life and the two was reunited when Hope was in the hospital after the incident with Aiden. But Bo will not be able to stay long with Hope because he was diagnosed with a disease which he acquired during his captivity.
Apparently, Bo didn't receive an earlier diagnosis which could have helped him heal his illness but it appears that his disease is already grave which could also be the result of the harsh treatment he received before. Signs of Bo's illness were seen with dizziness and fainting which were attributed to exhaustion only to find out that it is actually a life-threatening illness, Celeb Dirty Laundry reported.
It will be hard for Bo to spill the news to Hope especially with the current happenings after her marriage with Aiden. After making love with Hope, Bo will reveal to her about his illness which will break her heart. Because of everything she went through, Hope is in a very fragile state especially after learning that Bo is dying.
Hope will learn that Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) already knows the condition of Bo but kept it secret from her. She will then be inconsolable and will even be angry with Steve and Kayla. But for the two, they decided not to tell Hope about it first because of what happened to Aiden.
Caroline (Peggy McCay) will also feel very upset with the news about Bo since she just recently lost Will (Guy Wilson) but good thing that Victor (John Aniston) will be there for her to lean on for support.
It was confirmed that Peter Reckell who plays the role of Bo will be killed off and will leave the show as reported by a Jason47’s “Days” website.