Jerry Seinfeld Net Worth: Comedian Earns Huge Eventhough 'Seinfeld' Ended 17 Years Ago

One of the biggest names in the comedy industry is no other than Jerry Seinfeld. It's already been a known fact that the sitcom bearing his name is one of the most popular shows of all time as it never fails to deliver a good laugh. But what's more surprising is the amount of cash that keeps flowing even after the show ended 17 years ago.

As per the Celebrity Net Worth, when "Seinfeld" was ridiculously popular, Jerry was already able to cash in a huge amount of salary. The news website stated that he earns 'a million dollar' PER EPISODE, along with his other co-stars. One million isn't even the last deal as real cash poured in after the series finale aired. Jerry Seinfeld, his buddy Larry David, and the show's right holders was able to cash in a huge amount after the "Seinfeld" finale became a humongous hit.

What's even better is that "Seinfeld" reruns would still make it big and continually thrives to be one of the popular favorites. As of 2014, the sitcom was able to earn a total of $3.1 billion in syndication. During its peak, the show sold $5 million per rerun episode. This amount includes cable channels that paid to get the sitcom on their networks, which has an estimated revenue of $379 million its first three years of syndication titles. "Seinfeld" is now on its 5th cycle, which simply means the figures are continually increasing.

Though it wasn't specified on how much Jerry Seinfeld's share is, it must be a whooping amount. He now has a net worth of $800 million making him one of the richest comedians. As per Forbes, Hulu cashed in $160 million for his show, which would make about $875 thousand per episode. And a huge amount would surely be allotted to Jerry Seinfeld himself.

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