Dearborn Veteran Receives a Mortgage- Free Home on Veterans Day

In celebration of Veterans Day and in cooperation of Wayne County, the National Faith Homebuyers Association and Detroit Pistons, a veteran and a mother of two received a mortgage- free home in Dearborn.

According to, Maria Hechabarria, a member of Michigan National Guard, received a fully- renovated home from Chase Bank.

Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans said "Veterans make significant sacrifices to uphold our country's freedom, and through our Veterans Services Division we are able to provide resources and opportunities that show our appreciation for their dedication to service."

He also added, "Thanks to the contributions of these generous partners, we are changing lives for the better, not just for members of our armed services and their families, but for the generations that follow."

The county's Veterans Services Division is the one who refers individuals who can be awarded with the renovated home while National Faith Homebuyers will select the final recipient. According to the report "National Faith Homebuyers is a national nonprofit group that has helped more than 2,000 families become first-time homeowners and economically independent since the program was established in 1997."

Dina Harris, president of National Faith Homebuyers, said that this is their way of sayong thank you for the veteran who sacrificed a lot for their country and for the service of their fellow American. "Without the dedication and service to our country by our service members, we wouldn't be here today. That's why National Faith Homebuyers is devoted to creating sustainable homeownership opportunities for our heroes," Harris said.

According to, Maria's new home is a 1, 137- square- foot- home with three bedrooms. She said that she's also hopeful with the experiences that she and her family can make living in the mortgage- free home and how it can greatly help her children.

She said "We can have a family day where I don't have to come from out of town. We can all come home, have dinner together, have family time together, go to sleep together, get up, go to work and go to school at the same time. They're not used to that. Since I've been traveling a lot, they don't see me as often. So the family togetherness I would I say is what I'm looking forward to."

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