5 Ways To Save Money On Your Move And Move In

Buying a home and moving both come as major costs; there's just no going around it. However, with some negotiation skills, special deal insights, and a little effort, you can make the experience a lot less painful.

Here are 5 ways to save money on your move and move in according to Realty Times:

Don't take it all with you

Most moving company charge you by size or weight of the items, and with that you can tell that it's not always a good idea to hold on to your big furniture and appliances. You could actually end up saving money if you put them up for a garage sale and you can get yourself a new sofa and refrigerator from the money you have saved from the expensive move.

Leave the flat screen

A 5-year-old wall mounted flat screen TV? You should really just leave that behind. The cost of taking it down and fixing the wall plus the care involved in bringing it to your next place may not just be worth it. Especially that flat-screen TVs are always upgrading while the costs are coming down.

Barter for services

Don't be hesitant to offer barter system with your contractors. You could score some great construction or repair deals by getting rid of some appliances and furniture that are a pain to move anyway.

Move smart

Think of smart ways to make the move as seamless as possible. Need hands? Offer to treat your friends for some pizza and beer over some box lifting, pushing and pulling. Packing problems? You can always pare down and see what things you can sell to earn a few bucks while at the same time lessening the number of things you need to move.

Take advantage of special offers

Ever heard of move-in offers? Yup; cable, internet, and phone companies offering great deals especially for newly moved-in peeps like you. Just watch out as some may come with a catch that can cost you more in the long run, as well as limited-time offers that expire and has higher rates after the initial period.

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