"Clash of Clans" have come a long away! One of the most famous real time video games and it has its own share of "COC" cult follower around the world, in millions! Many are addicted, yes, that's a fact. And many are looking forward for the next "COC" update. Good news, the update will debut on Christmas Day.
One of Supercells staff members can't keep mum no more and spilled the news. According to the insider, they are working on "Clash of Clans" update ( excited?) that includes a Town Hall Level 11! And begins to release new add-ons as soon as possible.
As previous reports from Parent Herald, the update will also come up with quite a few features that include a new town hall, new hero, and new defense.
A tower that 4 x 4 square meter covered area which is one important defense element. Plus Supercell will come up with new map size expansion to 44x44 square meter, the gamers will have more fun since the battle field is much bigger, reported by Parent Herald.
For gamers who are really into gathering, there are rumors that sharing of loot will be released during the update, Yibada reported. Looters can finally share to clan members of their choice (be happy if you are not a good looter, finally you'll get a share in the form of a donation).
And for "COC" defensive troops, players will be spending 1,250 elixirs to learn, so learning is much easier because as rumors are sometimes bound to happen, there seems to be a 4th spell from the Dark Spell Factory. And others also speculate about new maps for new quests and the single player mode. AllClash.com gave some few tips that fans, gamers and looters alike can do before the update arrives, reported Yibada.
NOTE: This list is actually from their site and shared as is for proper guidance.
- Save resources
- Should not update to a maximum level one the new max level is upcoming
- Never upgrade to a max level when a new max level is coming
- Be downloadable as soon as the updates/ hiatus is over readily available as soon as the maintenance break is over
"COC" avid players and looters alike, you needed to contain your excitement and wait for Supercell's confirmation. "Clash of Clans" is coming to town!