'Mr. Bean' Rowan Atkinson's Divorce Gets Approved in 65 Seconds

The fastest divorce proceeding so far has been recorded when a judge granted the divorce case filed by Sunetra Atkisnon against her now- ex-husband Rowan Atkinson in just 65 seconds.

According to cbsnews.com, the fast divorce proceeding was granted in just 65 seconds due to the grounds that Rowan "engaged in unreasonable behavior." It was also reported that Rowan had already left his wife last year and has been dating Louise Ford, an actress. It was speculated they were already dating for more than a year even while Rowan was still married with Sunetra.

The court that settled the divorce didn't divulge any more details regarding the divorce but they remarked that "unreasonable behavior" is one of the most common grounds of divorce. However, a legal expert clarified that the couple's divorce is not yet final until Sunetra "applies for the decree absolute."

In a report by usmagazine.com, Andrew Newbury of the Slater and Gordon Lawyers firm said "Unreasonable behavior is the most common ground for divorce. Even in the happiest of marriages, it's always possible to find behavior which can be described as unreasonable. Although described as granting a divorce, the divorce itself won't be made final until Sunetra Atkinson applies for the decree absolute."

Rowan, comedian known for his role as Mr. Bean, and Sunetra Atkinson, a make- up artist, has been married for 24 years. Rowan and Sunetra met when the latter was working as a make- up artist for BBC and they got married in February 1990.

Rowan Atkinson became well- known due to his role in a sketch show, "Not the Nine O'Clock News." His long- running series and character in "Blackadder" and being "Mr. Bean" made the actor loved around the world. He later made movies as a sole surviving English spy in "Johnny English" movie franchise.

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