The "Avengers: Infinity War" is a sign that it will be the end of Marvel's Superhero film line-ups to give way for a newer breed of characters, as revealed by Kevin Feige in the official website of Marvel Studios. There is indeed a surprising twist in the plot, as Tom Hiddleston will be reprising his role as Loki, but may fight with the Avengers versus Thanos.
Marvel producer and president Kevin Feige teased that the "Avengers Infinity War" will conclude the superhero collaboration that fans love. He explained through iO9, "It definitely is an end to some version of the team that we've come to know in The Avengers. Who knows exactly what's gonna happen yet in that film but I think this version of that team, and I think we hint to it at the end of Age of Ultron, that the team will be evolving." He further explained that Marvel Cinematic Universe will launch new and familiar heroes that will eventually be killed off.
The second part of the "Avengers Infinity War" is assumed to be after various events from Marvel Comics. On the other hand, Thanos stays as the biggest supervillain and will involve in a remarkable battle with The Avengers. Some characters from the present roster will be obliterated, therefore leading to a new breed of superheroes, reported VCPost.
In the meantime, the badass brother of Thor, Loki, is rumored to appear in the forthcoming back-to-back finale and will fight with The Avengers to win over Thanos. Although it is not yet confirmed if Loki will be a good guy now and will leave his evil ways, as well as will continually cooperate with The Avengers until the end. It was implied that Loki may be vengeful after Asgard's destruction in "Thor: Ragnarok."
Part one of the "Avengers: Infinity War" will be shown on May 4, 2018, followed by part two on May 3, 2019.