iPhone 6 rumors: Is bigger better?

With the release of Samsung's Galaxy S5, the attention has once again turned to Apple, and in particular to the iPhone 6. What new traits will the tech giant's upcoming flagship phone usher in? Well, according to speculations and rumors, most of the improvements will focus on its display - both in quality and size.

Big is in

Word has it that the iPhone 6's killer feature will be a bigger screen offering a much wider visual experience. This is a definite possibility what with the display technology of quantum dot (QD), which uses Kindle Fire HDX. The QD advantage is running with less power supply but with better reception. Pair that with the "Apple twist" and we could be in for a strong new device.

According to Forbes, it's difficult to imagine what edge the phone would have over the others if it doesn't use QD. Moreover, more color on the display will make shopping experiences more innovative and media applications crisper and clearer.

The pressure is on

Reviews of the Samsung Galaxy S5 are less than stellar. True, the phone is an improvement over its predecessor, but that doesn't mean people aren't disappointed, with the majority of complaints seeming to focus on Samsung not giving the design department more attention. Now the pressure is on the iPhone 6 to perform. On consumers' wishlists aside from a better and bigger screen, is better design, extensive waterproof capabilities, a better camera and more useful health tools.

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