The "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" will be having an update next month (or this December), and it seems like it will make the video more enjoyable.
Based on the blog of the Japan-based site,, the "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" will introduce a new character named Raiden, which allows for host migration in "Metal Gear Online." It also allows players to choose more match conditions when looking for room names, weather and walker gears, although there is still no announcement from Konami nor a confirmed release date for the said updates, reported Dual Shockers.
Based on the post of Hecheff on Reddit, as reported by IBTimes, the updates will bring the following changes:
Gun Camera placements and land mines in SKULLS debut, FOB and Raiden will be free, including MGO host migration.
The other day's "PHANTOM PAIN MGO & FOB Update Special!" air on Famitsu's Nico Nico channel, has been revealed to be included in the December update.
Land Mines and Free placements of Gun Cameras (Surveillance Camera), special mode for land mines and camera, which looks like standard placements to the gamer's choice. Gamers for a set period of time.
Debut of Gamer Character Raiden. Character can use wormholes for warping, and appears to be using special weapons. It is unclear what conditions need to be met to use him.
Security Team (?) SKULLS Debut. SKULLS units have appeared on the FOB Platforms. Conditions for doing this are yet unclear.
Based on the notes of the developers, they have made the host migrating possible for "Metal Gear Solid V." In the occasion that the host leaves the present game, one gamer in the room will be chosen to be the succeeding host and the game will be reset. All gamers except the host will have the match's EXP.
Choose Match Condition Expansions. Includes ON/OFF walker gears, room names and weather that can be used for search filters.
Here you go, the summary of "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" updates this December. Are you excited for these expansions? Let us know what you think by leaving your comments below.