"Survivor 2015 Second Chance Cambodia" castaways will have to prepare themselves for a challenging Week 9.
To recall, Kelley already used her Hidden Immunity Idol last week and the castaways know that there is still an idol that they could find in order to ensure safety.
When Joe learned about Stephen's plan to get him out of the game although his alliance Savage wants to keep him, he made sure to win the immunity challenge for the second week in a row. With this, he planned to target Stephen but instead switched his attention to one of the bottom girls, either Abi, Ciera or Kelley, Gossip and Gab reported.
During the Tribal Council, Kelley got nine votes against Savage who had three. Everyone was surprised when Kelley used her idol to save herself from being voted out resulting to Savage's exit.
"It was unbelievably frustrating, but at the same time, it was the most exhilarating experiences of my life," Savage told People about his exit. "One of the best things about 'Survivor' are the twists, the unexpected, the blindsides."
After the Tribal Council, it appears that Stephen is again back to his mission to get rid of Joe, who is the biggest threat at the camp. And now that the idol is back from Kelley's hands, everyone wants to grab hold of it. But apparently, the idol is currently hidden at the challenges.
In a Survivor 2015 promo clip, host Jeff Probst offers a temptation for the castaways to drop out of the Immunity challenge for Week 9. He will cut a rope which will make the buoys pop up giving the first player out a shot to reach at either the Idol or a clue, Survivor Fandom teased.
During the individual immunity challenge, contestants are seen standing on triangular blocks floating in the water while the rain is pouring. The challenge is so intense especially that the castaways will swim to survive. "First one to touch their buoy earns an advantage in the game," Probst said in the preview for episode 9 referring to an advantage that they exactly need to stay in the game.
"That was a really fun idea that fell under the dome of 'let them play,'" Probst said according to Entertainment Weekly for tonight's challenge. "It's a big advantage. Question is: Will anybody go for it? And if they do, will it help them?"