‘Halo 5: Guardians’ Gameplay & DLC: New Update Adds Big Team Battle, 4 New Maps; Features ‘Battle of Shadow and Light’

Avid fans of "Halo 5: Guardians" have something to cheer about. It was said that the popular Xbox One shooter will be receiving a new update as part of the game's free expansion. Game developer 343 Industries said that the game's free expansion is called the "Battle of Shadow and Light" and it includes "the 8V8 Big Team Battle mode, four new Big Team Battle maps" and other Req content, according to Gamespot.

"Battle of Shadow and Light also introduces 48 new Reqs to Halo 5, including new weapons, weapon skins, armor, emblems, and a new 'Shove It' assassination. Microsoft warns, however, that Req content may not appear right away, but should be available in Halo 5 'in 24 hours or less,'" the report said.

Listed below are the complete contents of "Halo 5: Guardians" Battle of Shadow Light update, according to Halo Way Point.

  • "Added 48 new REQs, including new armors, helmets, weapon skins, weapon and vehicle variants, a new visor and assassination, and new emblems. See below for a breakdown of what's included
  • Added Big Team Battle playlist to Arena matchmaking
  • Added BTB (Big Team Battle) Capture the Flag, Strongholds, and Slayer to matchmaking and custom games
  • For all BTB game types, the Motion Tracker is the same size as Warzone at 25m (larger than the Arena Motion Tracker), and match length is 16 minutes.
  • Added 4 new BTB maps, also available in both matchmaking and custom games
  • Basin by the 343 Multiplayer team
  • Deadlock by Nokyard & the 343 Multiplayer Team
  • Guillotine by The Psycho Duck & the 343 Multiplayer Team
  • Recurve by The Fated Fire & the 343 Multiplayer Team
  • Fixed an aiming issue that could occur due to variance in controller hardware
  • Made a variety of tuning tweaks to Warzone Assault
  • Faster REQ leveling
  • Decreased base capture time from 20 seconds to 16 seconds
  • Reduced starting grenade count to 1
  • Disabled Friendly Fire in SWAT
  • Increased respawn time from 1 second to 3 seconds in SWAT
  • Added the 'deliver' nav point for vehicle drivers who have a friendly flag carrier as a passenger
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to use the driver and gunner seats while holding the flag. Now, the flag carrier can only sit in the passenger seat.
  • Improved Post-Game-Carnage-Report consistency"

According to the report, the additional maps that will be introduced for "Halo 5: Guardians" are similar to the ones that can be found in the previous version of the games. These maps were created using the game's Forge tools.

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