Bungie has revealed what would be included in the December update for the "Destiny 2.0," a few days after the "Destiny 2.0.2" patch has gone live.
Destiny Dev Team says, "[We're] about to change Destiny with another balance pass based on data collection from the wild, community feedback, and internal response to the 2.0 weapon changes."
Base damage of Auto Rifles will be increased, while Pulse Rifles base damage will be reduced. As for the Fusion Rifle, the patch is aimed at helping players use them effectively and choose easily among various experiences. Meanwhile, Sniper Rifle damage falloff will be extended "to ensure that a precision head shot is consistently rewarded." Consequently, Luck in the Chamber will only give bonus on precision damage.
For the Hand Cannons, ADS Accuracy will be increased so that shooting at close to medium range will be reliable. Shotguns changes will make the weapon more lethal. Starting damage falloff will be reduced to match melee lunge ranges. And then the final damage falloff distance of shotgun will be extended by 0.5 meters for a smoother drop. Two frames delay when firing out of sprint will also be added.
Exotic Weapon Tuning will see changes on The First Curse, Hawkmoon, The Chaperone, Fabian Strategy, Black Spindle and Sleeper Simulant. The First Curse bug, which causes the perk to deactivate if their Ghost has been summoned, will be fixed. In addition, Imprecation base range and magazine size will receive a boost.
Hawkmoon base range will be reduced by 20, while The Chaperone will see its base damage reduced as well. Its precision damage will be enhanced though to ensure that the bastard hero "remains good at what it does."
Fabian Strategy's Front Lines will have an increased base Rate of Fire stat. Extended Mag perk will be removed and replaced with Flared Magwell. Small Bore perk will likewise be removed and replaced with Rifled Barrel.
Scope upgrades from Black Spindle talent grid will be removed and replaced with Barrel upgrades. The update will also address some pretty unanimous feedback about the ammo inventory of Sleeper Simulant, including the removal of Ammo swap exploit.
Meanwhile, Destiny update 2.0.2 was released on Nov. 17, PlayStationLifeStyle reported.