5 Secrets Of People With Super Clean Houses

Know someone with an immaculately kept house? They always seem to keep their house in place; as if they spend the entire day with a rag in hand. But tidy people don't need to spend hours scouring; it's their daily habits that help them keep up with the cleaning.

Here are 5 secrets of people with super clean houses according to Trulia:

They buy baby wipes

You don't need to be a mom to know that baby wipes can help you with more than just taking care of baby's bottom. Quickly deal with spills, keep the upholstery stain-free, and run a swipe of surfaces every day and keep them dust-free using baby wipes.

They do a lot of hosting

How many times did you re-schedule that long-delayed house clean up? But if you have guests coming over, and they are spending the night, you will be motivated enough to get your hands on the vacuum and the rag.

They are masters of the speed clean

Quickly attend to smudges, fingerprints, and visible dirt by having a bottle of water and vinegar mixture cleanser and some rags especially in high traffic areas. Another effective trick is to devote 30 minutes every day to deal with as many cleaning tasks as you can; this daily upkeep will minimize the need for arduous deep clean.

They don't leave dishes in the sink overnight

No matter how dreaded you are at the end of the day, don't go to bed without dealing with the dishes in the sink and doing a kitchen clean up. You won't be any more motivated to face those tasks in the morning and waking up to a clean kitchen is a good way to start any day.

They make their beds daily

Making your bed shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, so there's no reason for you not to. And while you are doing it, pick up the clothes you left on the floor before you jumped into your bed last night.

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