Jared Fogle Scandal: Former Subway Pitchman Jared Fogle Allegedly Spent $12K On Prostitutes

Subway spokesman and convicted pedophile Jared Fogle allegedly spent at least $12,000 on prostitutes, and a psychiatrist blames his Subway diet for making him "hypersexual." According to People Magazine, his weight loss increased his sex drive.

John Bradford of the University of Ottawa conducted tests with Fogle, and he states that his patient suffers from "hypersexuality, mild pedophilia and alcohol abuse and dependency."

The same report shares that Fogle admitted to engaging in sexual activity with prostitutes over the years, but his desire was heightened while he was on his infamous diet. His desire for sex got so bad, that it came to a point wherein he preferred having sex with prostitute rather than with his wife. Bradford says, "his sexuality was driven more towards the sex trade than extramarital affairs."

Bradford's tests also proved that Fogle was indeed sexually attracted to prepubescent girls and that he had constant fantasies of engaging in sexual activity with them. The psychiatrist also reveals that there is no evidence that he has acted on his fantasies, but a previous recording busted Fogle telling about his 'amazing' time with a 'little boy.' Bradford has already told the court that his hypersexuality might be triggered by his drastic weight loss due to his Subway diet when he dropped to 200 lbs. from a staggering 450 lbs.

The former Subway pitchman is already sentenced 15 years of jail time. According to the Oracle Herald, US District Judge Tanya Walter Pratt has accepted the guilty plea and gave the sentence to Fogle. He is charged with having sex with two minor girls and child pornography. A partner, Russell Taylor, has also been given criminal charges for providing nude photos of minors to Fogle. Needless to say, Fogle has lost his partnership with Subway - thanks to his double life. The convicted man also won't be eligible for parole for the next 13 years. He has also paid $1.4M in restitution, granting $100,000 per victim.

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