David Beckham Update: ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ Reveals The Meaning Of His 40+ Tattoos

David Beckham has recently received the award for being the 'Sexiest Man Alive' for 2015 by People but unknown to many, fame and glory does not affect this former soccer star.

The 40-year-old father of four is one humble dude. In an article on Perez Hilton, Beckham says he doesn't view himself as sexy. His wife, Victoria Beckham, took to Instagram what he has to say about the great honor he has received from People:

"I thought I was past my sell by date but thanks to @PeopleMag for the accolade and the compliment! I always feel a little shy when receiving these Awards, though it will make my Mum happy. This one the kids will laugh at as they see what Daddy looks in the morning."

And along with his "thank you" to the magazine, he also expressed the meaning of his favorite tattoos.

  • A reclining angel on his left shoulder honors his fashion designer wife and his four kids, Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 12, Cruz, 10 and Harper, 4 years old.
  • The name of his two sons is on his back around angel wings. Harper has her name on his neck.
  • On his right forearm is another angel with a quote "Let them hate as long as they fear," from the Roman emperor Caligula.
  • "Dream big, be unrealistic" is tattooed on his right knuckles and their wedding year '99 on his thumb are dedicated to Victoria. He claims that these tattoos are the ones that he likes most.
  • The "Man of Sorrows" painting by artist Matthew R. Brooks is an ink dedicated to his family especially his late grandfather Joe West.

David Beckham is a very private person and it is very rare for him to talk about his tattoos, which show that the former athlete is a very dedicated person, especially to his family and to his wife.

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