Time and time again, it somehow turns out that anything related to the Duggars is shady. Josh's five-bedroom home in Siloam Springs, Arkansas was sold to a suspicious ALB Investments, LLC two days after the Ashley Maddison scandal broke.
Back in August, according to the Hollywood Reporter, a credit card under the name Joshua J. Duggar was used to pay for an account in Ashley Maddison. In the same month, Josh Duggar's also appeared in the data dumped online by the hackers who stole 9 GB of Ashley Maddison member information. A statement from Josh was then posted in the family blog site, admitting that he has been viewing pornography and was unfaithful to his wife.
According to the Daily Mail, the couple sold their five-bedroom home in Siloam Springs on Aug. 24 for $65,000 to ALB Investments LLC. While it is true that the couple can do anything they want with their home but what makes this speedy transaction controversial is that this limited liability appears to have been set up on the same day by attorney Travis W. Story, who happens to be a family friend of the Duggars and a member of family's Cross Church.
While Story appears to be the registered agent of ALB Investments LLC, the owners of the investment company cannot be disclosed under the 2007 state law that protects the confidentiality of such information. According to the Daily Mail, because of this Lawyer Story has refused to make a statement regarding the company or the said transaction.
To make matters worse, two days after the said sale of the Duggar home, porn star Danica Dillon came forward with allegations of sexual assault against Josh Duggar. As previously reported, she claims that she and Josh had two violent sexual encounters which she described as traumatic. She had agreed to the encounters because Josh had offered $1,500 but she did not expect things to get rough between them and Josh allegedly did not use protection. Dillon says she was not aware who he was or that he had a family at that time. Now Dillon is suing Josh Duggar for damages in excess of $500,000.
Is this possible that the Duggar family, Jim Bob and Michelle especially, have been involved since day one in helping Josh take precautionary measures against any fallout? It is also most likely that even if the timing of the transaction may be questionable it is also a sign that Anna is leaving Josh.