International News: Anonymous' War with ISIS Starts to Crumble on a Pitfall

The all-out war of Anonymous against the ISIS is slowly circling the drain, as most of the Twitter accounts that the hacktivist group has reported to have taken down, were discovered to be not affiliated with the terrorist group that propagated the attack in Paris.

According to the report of The Verge, Twitter has lost confidence in the accounts being reported by Anonymous because they were wildly inaccurate. The online news site also stated that Anonymous' efforts of bringing down ISIS were more detrimental than beneficial.

In a blog posted by hacktivist and long-time opposition of Anonymous, th3j35t3r, he called the all-out war of Anonymous against ISIS as a 'Comedy of Errors.'

"They report a few Twitter accounts for spam because they 'think' they're ISIS affiliated, or find a list of names from any previous dump or literally just fabricate a list with a fake name generator program (as we've seen before) and pretend it's a hacked ISIS database, or a leaked list of ISIS members," read the blog of th3j35t3r. "There's nothing noble or 'Robin Hood' going on here. There's no 'op' -- the VIDEO IS the 'op'. They've realized they can hype the media up with just a video, without actually *doing* anything else."

Arstechnica also reported that upon a review of the 4,000 Twitter accounts posted by Anonymous members as ISIS-affiliated, the accounts contained posts and messages that were sympathetic to ISIS, but most of them were not specifically ISIS, and were actually owned by Palestinians, while the others appeared to be accounts "trolling" ISIS, and finally, others only appeared to be merely accounts in Arabic.

In a Twitter post by Tor Reaper, he said that anyone who wishes to join the #OpParis should take a moment to learn who the real targets are.

"Just because a website or a post is written in Arabic or is from a person of Muslim faith does not or should not make them a target," read the post. "Some of the most dedicated #OpISIS fighters are Muslim."

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