AI rubber banding is one of great nuisances the player experience in "Need For Speed" when racing closely against an AI driver, where the AI's vehicle gets strangely faster while merely seconds behind the player's own vehicle. But this problem will be gone with today's patch.
According to IGN, this is the very first thing that will be eradicated in the first patch for "Need For Speed." The patch, called "Icons," will deal with that seemingly unfair catch up mechanism that allows NPC to keep pace with the player. It basically gives the player, whose vehicle is already on the lead, that feeling that the NPC's vehicle is being pulled unfairly close to the player's vehicle by one giant rubberband, hence the term "rubber-banding."
According to the "Need for Speed" blog site, Community & Content Lead Ben Walke wrote, "We've been reading all of your feedback on this, watching your videos and tuning in to your live streams. With all this feedback in mind we have made changes to the AI behavior which should improve your overall experience."
Besides getting rid of "Need for Speed's" biggest issue, the patch will bring a new tile on the menu that will display information on running or upcoming community events. The example of community events being referred to are: Bonus Cash, Discounts and Bonus Rep. There will also be new "Icon" cars, Ken Block's Hoonicorn and Morohoshi's Lamborghini Diablo SV, that will be attained after completing their respective missions.
Neon lights will be introduced for Morohoshi's Lamborghini Diablo SV." The neo-lights are exclusive to Morohoshi's car only.
Incoming update, all the details!
— Need for Speed (@NeedforSpeed) November 23, 2015
Other updates will include, color picker 2.0, Mirror Decal, REP increase, Daily Challenges. There will be three new trophies and achievements namely: Fanboi, Iconoclast and Mental Unblock. And of course the update will bring general bug fixes and improvements. For more details, players can head to the "Need for Speed" blog site.