20th Century Fox Scraps 'Fantastic Four' Sequel From Its Release Calendar; Will They Give the Franchise Back to Marvel Studios?

Fantastic Four's planned sequel has apparently been dumped by Twentieth Century Fox after getting terrible reviews and very poor reception from moviegoers.

The superhero film cost around $120 million but only made a disappointing $56 million locally, and about $167 million worldwide. Because of this, the big shot film corporation has discreetly removed it from its release list because it's probably not worthy of a sequel.

Among the Marvel movies, 'Fantastic Four' is said to be the worst-reviewed adaptation. The movie bashers all over social media heightened the negative reactions towards the film, and it did not help that its own director is also talking trash about it. In a bitter post on his Twitter account, Josh Trank blames the studio for not releasing the 'fantastic movie' that he originally made. He says, "A year ago I had a fantastic version of this. And it would've received great reviews. You'll probably never see it. That's reality though." Josh has deleted the tweet but the post has been retweeted by writer Mike Ryan.

In his recent interview with The News, Michael B. Jordan who played 'Human Torch' in the said superhero franchise said that he had already accepted the fact that the movie would not be given a second chance. He shares, "That project is one of those things, you've got to accept sometimes that you can give 110% and still not turn out the way you want it. Some things are just out of your control, they're bigger than me."

Fans of the Marvel comics are hoping that the cancellation will result to a better franchise as it returns to the Marvel Studios, as Fox has a specific to produce another 'Fantastic Four' movie or else it would be reverted back to Marvel.

Meanwhile, in light of the cancellation of the sequel, the Honest Trailers took the chance to show their own hilarious version of the superhero movie trailer.

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