Game Of Thrones Update: Night’s Watch Brother Betrayal Confession

Fans, and even the cast members, are still coping with the death of their favorite character, Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) in the Season 5 Finale of Game of Thrones Series. What a terrible way to end the season, right?

If you are one of Jon Snow's die-hard fans, you probably won't forget how he gets stabbed several times by his fellow Night Watch Brothers and Olly. How can you forget that bloody scene with no gasp of air and no signs of "Ghost" to save him against the traitors? How can you forget the name Othell Yarwyck who have made several appearances in the four seasons, hasn't had many lines yet stills the last minute scene of the Season Finale for killing the most prominent character?

Othell Yarwyck's actions spark outrage among the fans and viewers who have devoted their time watching the series from the beginning. Yarwyck is the first builder in the Night's Watch who betrayed and killed Jon Snow.

This week, Brian Fortune who played Yarwyck told Ireland's Newstalk about his experiences as a part of the series specifically in his heart-wrenching scene in the Castle Black. With the release of the new poster for the Season 6, confirming Jon Snow's return in the series, he was confident to emerge and speak of what he truly feels of being one of Snow's Killers.

And guess what? Fortune said it felt "pretty good"! Shooting a historic scene, according to him rarely happens in a prominent TV Show and he loved the phenomenal reaction of people to Snow's death. For him, it was an achievement despite the negative comments and feedbacks he received from the fans since that unforgettable episode.

Fortune admitted that he had never tried reading George R.R. Martin's Books on A Song of Ice and Fire. The momentous scene in the last episode was also the only plot point which he revealed to his wife before it was aired.

When asked about Jon Snow's possible return in the Season 6, Fortune feigned total ignorance and laugh. Now, that's a new clue.

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