‘The Walking Dead' Spoilers: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Hired to Spice Things Up

It is official, Jeffrey Dean Morgan confirmed that he will join the cast as a villanious character in the TV hit series, "The Walking Dead."

Morgan has a proven track record as an action TV series actor. His appearance in the sci-fi drama "Extant" starring Halle Berry really acquired good rating from viewers. According to Newsday, "He got more than he expected trying to help out Berry's character." The audience actually felt the chemistry between both characters.

Another proof of Morgan's charisma as a TV series actor was displayed in another CBS drama, "The Good Wife." This was last September and again, chemistry was oozing as Morgan and his co-star, Juliana Margulies, played their characters.

Now fans get all the hype about Morgan's appearance in the mega-series "The Walking Dead". But here is the thing, Morgan has always been the good guy in all of his tv-series roles. As Blastr said in their article, "Negan will be quite a departure for the actor who's generally known for playing good guys." But he played the role of a villain as the "Comedian" in the movie "Watchmen" by Jeffrey Snyder.

So what is Morgan's character in the mega-series? He will be playing the character, Negan. In the Robert Kirkman comics, the Negan character has a strong personality. He is the leader of "Saviors", a rival of Rick's group. Negan is a person with principles that he strictly follows and imposes.

Another thing that the comic fans are looking forward to in Morgan's appearance in the hit TV series is how AMC would tone down Negan character. Negan is notorious for cussing his way out of conversations in the comics and there is no way AMC would follow the character by the book.

Expect Jeffrey Dean Morgan to appear in the Season 6 Finale Episode.

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