Sony PlayStation 2 Emulation Confirmed For PS4; PS2 Classic Games Can Soon Be Played with PS4

The classic PS2 games you had can soon be played through your PS4.

Rumors circulated January 2014 when an alleged unknown source from Sony divulged the information. According to reports, Sony was working on an emulator for PS4 that would make PS2 games playable in native HD quality.

Recently, WIRED has confirmed the news reporting that a source from Sony sent them an email saying they are indeed working on an emulation technology. The Sony representative writes, "We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation. We have nothing further to comment at this point in time."

The release of classic PS2 titles like Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter last November 19 is enough proof that the PS2 emulation project is very much in progress.

Emulation is imitating the environment of the PlayStation 2 console which would allow PS2 games to be played in PS4 possibly with higher resolution. Sony has probably seen the need for this because PS4 is the only Sony console without any form of backwards compatibility.

PS2 earned millions of sales especially with the release of bestselling games like Final Fantasy X. This would be a huge advantage to Sony once they have perfected the emulator as they can sell these again to contribute to the already millions of PS4 earnings.

The latest console from Sony has sold more than 30 million units all around the world in just two years. According to Sony, PS4 shows the fastest and strongest growth in PlayStation history.

Sony PlayStation chief executive Andrew House expressed the company's gratitude and appreciation to gamers around the globe who chose to PS$ since its release two years ago. "We are committed to bringing engaging games and entertainment services to users worldwide. Thanks to the support of our partners, PS4 continues to be the premier platform for game and interactive entertainment innovation," House added.

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