'No Man's Sky': A Game That Could Take A Lifetime to Explore

There have been rumors that it is going to take an entire lifetime or even more to play "No Man's Sky." This game probably has the biggest map ever created in the history of gaming as developer Hello Games has teased before. But what has recently been found out regarding the game's world is unbelievable.

According to GameRant, Hello Games' "No Man's Sky" could take 5 billion years to walk around. It seems to be the size of the universe. It seems impossible but Hello Games co-founder, Sean Murray, said that the developers at Hello Games "started out using 32-bit numbers to generate the planets in the universe." And with the 32-bit formula, it would take thousands of years going from planet to planet. But the team did not stop there as they went for something bigger.

Thus, the upcoming "No Man's Sky" has a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 or 18 quintillion worlds, according to PC Gamer. But the developers emphasized that it's not about the destination but it is about the journey.

Murray said about the E3 trailer that gave fans a glimpse of the heart stopping gigantic world, "We tried to show space combat, combat on the ground, sandbox elements, resource gathering. You can play as a trader, a fighter, an explorer, or kind of a mixture of all three. It's a sandbox game-there are no missions, no quests. In some ways it's very much in the genre of game that has become very popular on PC, particularly in Early Access."

For those who are excited to play the game, it may be disappointing that its launch is delayed until next year. But for a game as massive as that, it is obviously understandable and the developers are a little ambitious. Creator Sean Murray also announced that "No Man's Sky" game will be made available on VR Head Gears, according to Australian Network News.

He said, "I don't know what I'm allowed to say, it's something we're thinking about. Morpheus, Oculus Rift...There's nothing more cool and sci-fi than VR and a big procedural universe. I think that, for the people who want to just explore, and even for the space combat and things like that, it would be a good fit. Let's put it that way."

Are you excited to try "No Man's Sky" with on Virtual Reality?

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