BA Rumors and Updates: LeBron James Will Buy and Own an NBA Team

In every generation of the NBA there would always be a player or some players that would create a global impact. The years of Michael Jordan inside the court has long been gone and yet he is still making some impact outside the court.

Today's generation of basketball players and enthusiasts are perhaps looking on the like of LeBron James to follow the footstep of Jordan. In the business perspective, LeBron James has been known to be inclined unto it. James sees Jordan as a successful businessman and NBA player worth emulating. That is why it would be no surprise that James might one day own an NBA team as well. When asked about MJ's success outside the court and after NBA, James stated via sportsblog that;

"He's done it as well as anyone can do it as far as present career and post, so you're always kind of watching. It be great for anyone who can come in and own a ball club, that would be pretty cool stuff, and also his brand it continues to make an impact, so it's pretty awesome to see what he's still able to do after being away from the game for so long."

James is indeed conscious about the importance of branding and how one should take good care of it. James is likewise cognizant about the idea of owning his own team when the right time comes. Money would not be a question for James, for as long as he maintains his investments and secure the stability of his ever growing brand, then he could afford to own an NBA team in the end of his career. As reported by cbssports via sportsblog, when James was asked about Jordan owning a team and his future plans, he stated that, "I'm not there, I'm not there right now."

It is indeed true that James is not there yet, but with his inclination towards business and branding, it seems like all road would lead to it someday. LeBron James can definitely be an owner one day and he's definitely interested according to cbssports.

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