Fans of Adam Lambert Win Petition Allowing Him to Perform in Singapore

American Idol alum, Adam Lambert, was caught in a clash for his scheduled New Year's show in Singapore, where a petition has been filed preventing him from performing as a headliner to the show, as reported by Billboard.

Another petition was filed relating to this issue, but this time in support of Lambert to perform on the show.

As written on the new petition page, the statement read: "Dear event organisers. We the moral majority of Singapore utterly denounce and condemn the obvious sexual orientation discrimination demonstrated by the other petition on this site that is against Adam Lambert performing in Countdown 2016. Please allow Adam Lambert to perform in Countdown 2016 to demonstrate to the whole world that Singapore is a country that shuns discrimination and promotes diverse inclusive points of view."

This petition was able to get almost 25,000 signatures when it closed, while the opposing petition struggled to get the 20,000 signature goal.

According to the Facebook page of Warner Music Singapore, a message was posted coming from Lambert. He said, “My performance at Celebrate 2016 will not only be a spectacular one, it will celebrate the entire human family in all its diversity. I am a uniter, not a divider, and I believe in celebrating the human heart and spirit. I have put together an entirely new show experience for my fans that is kicking off in Singapore. The Original High tour is based primarily on new material, and it promises to be a thoughtful and sophisticated insight into the pursuit of happiness and self-worth. There is no better time for celebration than at the moment one year changes into another, so I hope you will join me to celebrate the future and 2016.”

A petition was filed in iPetitions preventing Lambert from performing on the said show. According to their petition page, "This petition was meant to appeal to the better judgment of the Organisers to reconsider their choice of foreign performers in Countdown 2016, on the basis of inclusion of the young and the often cited silent majority in Singapore who continue to uphold values that appear contrary to the liberal west." The petition also added some pictures of past performances that seemed to highlight this sexual representation while Lambert was performing.

They also added, "It is never 'just entertainment,' especially when the national stage is used. Unfortunately, our concerns to address the probability of lewd acts on a public platform have been downplayed and turned into yet another political LGBT rights issue."

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