'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Director J.J. Abrams Screens Unfinished Film Cuts With Disney Executives

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' director J.J. Abrams revealed his "horrifying" experience with the film's first screening for Disney executives.

Abrams added, "We showed the first cut -- which was still incomplete, a complete version of the movie but not the finished version -- and we showed it to Alan Horn, Bob Iger, and Alan Bergman, the three people at Disney who sat with me in the theatre, and we screened the movie. And it was horrifying," according to The Hollywood Reporter, the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' director shared to Howard Stern during his appearance on SiriusXM station last Monday.

He said, "I'm nervous beyond words, I'm showing this movie that is so far from finished, there's not an effect in it ... it was a lot of me giving excuses before the screening."

Abrams felt relieved after knowing that the Disney executives' responses were favourable to the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' film screening. He admitted that hearing those words were like his biggest relief in his life.

"Their response was so kind, [I thought] they were just being nice," he joked.

Hollywood Reporter also mentioned J. J. Abrams addressed about the absence of Luke Skywalker from the movie's promotion. He said, "Here's the thing: I really want to make sure that we're not running the movie for the people."

"That they're not seeing too much of it before it comes out. I hate when I go and see a trailer and think that I've just seen the movie in encapsulated form."

He also said, "I'd rather be asking questions than feel like they'd been answered for me."

People reported that part of J. J. Abrams' goal for the film is to make it inclusive for both boys and girls. "Star Wars was always a boy's thing and a movie that dads took their sons to ... and though that's still very much the case, I was really hoping this could be a movie that mothers take their daughters to as well."

He added, "And see they're capable of doing things they could never imagine possible."

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' will premiere this coming December 18. At least that time, the audience will finally see the iconic Luke Skywalker.

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