J.K. Rowling Reveals Why Harry Potter Named His Second Son After Snape

It's been eight years since the last book of the Harry Potter series was released and yet, fans are still very much hung up on the epilogue of the book, more specifically on why Harry and Ginny Potter (nee Ginny Weasley) named their second son Albus Severus. Albus after Harry's mentor Professor Dumbledore, and Severus after Harry's most-hated professor Severus Snape.

The genius author of the Harry Potter books answered the fans questions in a series of tweets and said that even if Snape did maltreat Harry, he did sacrifice his life for the "Chosen One" at the Battle of Hogwarts, an article on USAToday reported.

Snape's character is the most complex in the series. He loved Harry's mother, Lily Potter (nee Lily Evans), and his unrequited feelings for Lily is the reason why he resented Harry's father, James, and, by extension, Harry himself. But, like JKR said, despite his resentment of Harry, Snape did help him during the last battle at Hogwarts.

Rowling tweeted: "Snape died for Harry out of love for Lily. Harry paid him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude." She went on to say that Snape is not a saint. He was, after all, a bully and he was vindictive. But "you can't make him a devil" because, as she said, he died to save the wizarding world after all and acted as a double agent for Professor Dumbledore.

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