"Star Wars: The Force Awakens": Director J.J. Abrams Shares First Screening Was A 'Nightmare'

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has to live up to its expectation, nothing more, nothing less. Even before the movie filming was completed or the trailer released, the media hype and fans' anticipation were enough to put pressure on the geniuses behind the film.

In relation to this, Hollywood Reporter notes, director J.J. Abrams shares that the first screening for Disney executives was a horrifying experience, although in the end, the response he got was favorable.

Abrams told Howard Stern, in an appearance on his SiriusXM station Monday, "We showed the first cut - which was still incomplete, a complete version of the movie but not the finished version - and we showed it to Alan Horn, Bob Iger and Alan Bergman, the three people at Disney who sat with me in the theater, and we screened the movie. And it was horrifying. I'm nervous beyond words, I'm showing this movie that is so far from finished, there's not an effect in it ... It was a lot of me giving excuses before the screening."

Despite the relief he felt when the screening was over and the verdict was out, he joked that the response was so kind he thought the executives were just being nice about it.

When the trailers of the movie were released, everyone noticed the absence of Luke Skywalker and when asked about it, he said, cloaked with mystery, that he would rather not ruin the movie for the people at this point, even before the film comes out.

Cinema Blend shares that "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" picks up 30 years after "Return of the Jedi," and opens Dec. 18. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo,will be battling it once more and newcomers to that far, far away galaxy, like Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, and many others will be joining them.

Do you think you'd discover the fate of Luke Skywalker then?

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