'South Park' Season 19 Episode 9 Recap: Talks About PC Culture, Portrays Caitlyn Jenner

"South Park" season 19 Episode 9 featured Mr. Garrison and Principal Victoria's return to South Park with a character portraying Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner.

In the episode titled "Truth And Advertising," former South Park Elementary Principal Victoria, who was fired and replaced by PC Principal, brings presidential candidate Mr. Garrison along with running mate “Caitlyn” Jenner to the town of South Park in order to help solve a mystery.

When Principal Victoria arrived in South Park with Caitlyn Jenner and Mr. Garrison, there was a funny conversation wherein they urged Jenner to put on a mustache for disguise.

The trio was shocked when the saw Whole Foods in town. Aside from that, somebody asked them if they would like to support gay rights and as they paid their bill at a cashier, she urged them to donate in order to “help hungry children get iPads to protect your Internet safe space,” News Buster reported.

The show continues mocking PC culture when Randy stepped in and lectures about not violating a college safe space. He was even surprised to see Jenner crossing “the most sacred human boundary there is.” Jenner would end up appalled of the way Randy acts and would give him some merciless punches.

Randy Marsh, a PC Social Justice Warrior is facing a problem as his PC dreams melt away because of his growing bills. He urged his family to leave the town because it is becoming too expensive to live in and he claims that they are a victim of the gentrification.

Another scene that reflects the recent protests at college campuses in different nations, shows students having a hungers strike where a journalist is seen standing in front of the PC bro's frat house.

The episode also shows Leslie distracting Jimmy with an ad telling him her "true intentions" which was actually a lie. She beat him at South Park Elementary School and as Jimmy regain consciousness, he will try to find out the role of Leslie and PC Principal into this advertisement/PC conspiracy, Design and Trend reported.

As Cartman and his friends realizes that Jimmy is missing, they will start searching for him but are always distracted by an advertisement which would lead them to an ice cream shop or a shoe store. Even Mr. Garrison and Principal Victoria were sidetracked by ads as well.

"South Park" is an animated series not for children that airs Wednesdays on Comedy Central at 10 p.m. ET.

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