'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Spoilers: Why Luke Skywalker Isn't Present in 'Star Wars VII' Promo and Trailers [Video]

In less than two weeks, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will be hitting the big screen and fans are quite curious on why isn't Luke Skywalker on any marketing materials. Everybody's favorite jedi is getting everyone curious in regards to his whereabouts.

Fans were relieved to know that keeping him absent on "Star Wars Episode VII" promotional materials, including trailers is actually JJ Abrams way of keeping things mysterious.

In one of his interviews with Howard Stern, Abrams shared that he does not want to ruin the excitement. He then defended their decision in making Luke Skywalker hidden stating that: "Here's the thing ... I really want to make sure we're not ruining the movie for people, that they're not seeing too much of it before it comes out."

He then added that:

"I hate when I go and see a trailer and I feel like I've just seen a whole movie in an encapsulated form. It's a move studios make time and time again in order to sell a movie. You don't have to do that to sell a movie! I'd rather be asking questions than feel like they've been answered for me."

In regards to his exile however, Mark Hamill dished out some interesting facts about the iconic character. As per Internatonal Business Times, during one of his interviews with the Empire magazine, the Hollywood actor dished out that he would no longer be making a comeback as the "innocent farm boy" of the previous episode. Luke however will be a new persona as there have been changes in his character as the film moves forward.

"Obviously you're seeing him in a very different time in his life, there are lots of surprises in this movie. You're going to love it,"

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will be making its premier on December 14, 2015.

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