"The Walking Dead" mid-season finale signaled the hiatus of the show which will be back on February 2016 featuring the introduction of Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his group.
In "The Walking Dead's" return on Feb. 14, 2016, the premiere will be "quite deadly" wherein some deaths will be featured in the intense episode. A promo video of Episode 9 shows a glimpse of the Saviours with leader Negan.
The premiere episode will showcase the aftermath of the walker's attack and will also deal with cliffhangers that include how Maggie was injured and stranded, Deanna dying with infection, and how Sasha, Daryl and Abraham were captivated by Negan's group.
"There are a lot of direct moments from the comic coming up in the second half and panels that we're bringing to life - from very big comic moments to really tiny comic moments," Gimple said. "Things that are not gigantic and dramatic but just little moments from the comic that all add up to some big moments. The second half is very cumulative," show runner Scott M. Gimple said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
But according to reports, the introduction of the Saviours is already messed up because stories about them is already exposed around the web and the lead up to their introduction has already begun.
“I’m thoroughly disappointed with how The Walking Dead has handled the run-up to Negan so far. It’s been an incredibly awkward introduction, and much more poorly handled than we’ve seen with past threatening crews," Paul Tassi wrote on Forbes.
Tassi also pointed out that the Wolves had a better introduction since it wasn't obvious and it also had a prologue scene that was hidden away from the credits, Inquisitr wrote.
Actor Andrew Lincoln, who plays the role of Rick Grimes, told Entertainment Weekly, that Episode 9 "No Way Out" is "the most ambitious, and the most epic and just insane, emotional, action-overload," Yibada reported.
"The Walking Dead" Season 6 Episode 9 "No Way Out" will air on Feb. 14, 2016 at 10:00 pm on AMC.