Who would have thought that a games exclusive beta would end up focusin gmore on a character's voice than game play or anything else?
A certain KnivesHaveMyBack has taken to the "Uncharted 4" community forums on playstaton.com to express his disappointment for not hearing the same voice from his favorite character during the beta. He says that Flynn has been his favorite character since "Uncharted 2" and says that "Steve Valentine's portrayal of the character made him stand out and that's what made most of us enjoy Flynn."
Steve Valentine was the voice of Harry Flynn in "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" and "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception." It is completely understandable if an avid fan of the series to feel disappointed that all of a sudden things have entirely changed with the favorite character. An large group of "Uncharted" fans feel the same sentiment as KnivesHaveMyBack.
As state in the forums, when KnivesHaveMyBack tried to fish for more information via Twitter, he found out that some fans have already tweeted to Steve Valentine, expressing support of bringing him back. Based on the Steve's tweets it is unlikely that he would reject the idea of Voicing over for Harry Flynn as he had said he would have loved to do it.
The reason why Naughty Dog has used a different voice actor is unknown. But whatever reason the developer may have, fans are not buying it. Manu fans are urging Naughty Dog to bring back Steve Valentine. According to Design and Trend, Fan outrage was so strong that Naughty Dog community specialist Arne Meyer was obliged to give a statement the situation. Speaking via Twitch he said, "There's a bunch of questions about this and people are talking about Harry Flynn's voice."
He continued, "It's another great thing for you to jump in the forums with your feedback. It's something that we're looking into, so we'll just leave it at that for now. This is exactly what leaving feedback is, and we'll see what we can do."
This for now only means that Naughty Dog is listening to what the fans are saying however it does not guarantee that the company would bring Steve Valentine Back. In the meantime the forum is still open for supporters who want to express how much they want Steve back as the voice of Flynn.
Interesting.. I did not work on this.. https://t.co/RjvX2qUIlQ
— Steve Valentine (@Stevevalentine) October 27, 2015
& I'm so flattered at the outpouring of love from those who missed me on #Uncharted4 Would have loved to do it. Let's leave it at that :) — Steve Valentine (@Stevevalentine) December 5, 2015
Wow all you #Uncharted4 guys and gals. I haven't had this much support since... I don't know when. :) thanks all
— Steve Valentine (@Stevevalentine) December 9, 2015