"Destiny: The Taken King" new details is released by Bungie saying that it will be bigger and better and it has a "significant update to the world and sandbox."
"This week we saw some chatter bubbling up around our content plans for Year Two of Destiny," community manager Erik Osborne said in this week's Bungie update. "You seem worried that there won’t be any more substantial content until we ship another full game, or that all of the content for the rest of Year Two will come in the form of timed events."
Fans got disappointed when the new expansion pack was not revealed in PSX, Osborne and when it was announced that there will be no paid expansions. To recall, it was announced that there will be no giant, monolithic DLC packs and will have micro transactions event based contents.
“With ‘Taken King’ we are moving to a more event-based model – things like Festival of the Lost and Sparrow racing, which is our winter event, and then smaller events such as Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris every weekend,” Senior Designer Derek Carroll said according to Stevivor.
Bungie also revealed that updates of Destiny's Year 2 will extend beyond limited-time events.
"The first of these early 2016 experiences will be on a scale close to Festival of the Lost," Osborne wrote as quoted by Games Radar. "The second will be far larger than anything you’ve seen since the release of The Taken King. There’s also another significant update to the world and sandbox planned in this same window."
Sandbox updates will be available every quarter but there will be something bigger that will be revealed next year.
"It's true that we've updated the playbook based on what we've learned to date, and to better tap into what makes Destiny unique. Last year, we all waited five months and ten days between content drops after December. This year, the plan is to deliver new experiences at a faster clip. To that end, the updates described above are all currently slated to hit across Winter and Spring of 2016, with more to come, as well," Osborne said according to IGN.
Bungie assured fans that "Destiny: The Taken King" will be big in 2016 and more updates will be revealed. Meanwhile, Update 2.1.0 will bring Sparrow Racing League which will be available until Dec. 29.
Osborne also affirmed fans about it through Twitter saying, "Hey. 2016 is gonna be great. We're working on stuff. Fun stuff, that's still in development. SRL is live today, though! We hope you dig it!"
Hey. 2016 is gonna be great. We're working on stuff. Fun stuff, that's still in development. SRL is live today, though! We hope you dig it!
— Eric Osborne (@UrkMcGurk) December 8, 2015