Recently, Rockstar confirmed "GTA 5 Executive and Other Criminals DLC" update. The update is set to launch in PC, PS4 and Xbox One on Dec. 15. Indeed, this is the most wonderful time for "GTA" fans. The latest DLC content shows some initially well-accepted ill-Gotten Gains DLC and high-end luxury toys.
On the other hand, players will purchase their personal luxury home and yacht in Vinehood Hillds. Based on the statement of Rockstar Games, the recent "GTA 5 Executives and Other Criminals" add-on lets a player to be a kingpin or VIP so that he can lead a persona criminal organization built from scratch. VIP new game modes that operate their single show like special abilities, challenges, challenges and co-op jobs. Furthermore, VIPs can recruit and fire other gamers to be in the team of the guards. Such guards have regular pay aside from getting new special advantages like stat, RP and GTA$ enhances among other advantages.
"GTA 5 Executives and Other Criminals DLC," will come along with some new toys, aside from new gaming techniques. Players will set hands on a missile defense system and Turrated Limo using a Yatch. The defense system runs along with its supporting vehicles upgrades like personal watercraft and SuperVolito Carbon helicopter. On the other hand, it is essential to note that the vehicle types do not cheaply come, although, there are strategies of getting some money before the mega DLC.
Rockstar has offered gamers an opportunity to gather double RP and GTA$ for all GTA Online Adversary mode events, with double RP and double GTA$ operated from Dec. 11 to Dec. 13.
Other techniques to win over a game that gets enough amount of cast, a gamer recommends that gamers go for Stunter game vs Last Team Standing Sniper. Let us know what you think about this news by leaving your comments below.