Michael Jackson's Vegas Rental Up for Grabs at $19.5 Million

Attention all Michael Jackson fans! The Las Vegas residence that the King of Pop rented before his death is up for sale at $19.5 million.

Hacienda Palomino - the mansion at 2710 Palomino Lane - was home to the "Thriller" hitmaker for three years, from 2006 to 2008. This is the house where Jackson took refuge in after being acquitted off child molestation accusations. This is the same house he came to live in post his Bahrain trip. He lived here with his children.

This is, however, not the first time it's been put up for sale. It has been on and off the market since 2010 with prices ranging from $4.8 million to $12.8 million, reports Curbed.

According to the Zillow Blog, the home was first built in Mexico in 1952. It was then moved brick to brick to Las Vegas and assembled to look just like its original Mexican location.

The estate has had only two owners since its construction and Jackson was the last resident of the mansion, after which the Honorary Consul - a diplomat group that still owns the house - took on a massive renovation.

The property is a 1.7-acre gated private estate, which includes a 24,276-square-foot main house and a smaller guest cottage. The estate has a total of seven bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, three kitchens, spas and a conference room too. There is a 74-seater, two-level medieval chapel as well.

Apparently, Jackson and his kids lived in the guest cottage and kept moving back and forth to the main house through an underground tunnel that has a bar and an art gallery to avoid the paparazzi. The gallery spans an area of 7,394 square feet.

The estate is being represented by Eddy Martinez of Worldwide Properties, who describes it as "enchanting."

The official listing of the home reads:

"The estate is comprised of a main palazzo, a guest villa, private chapel and an underground tunnel including an extensive art gallery and a lounge/bar area. This tunnel and gallery area was known as 'Michael Jackson's Art Vault' and was where he once stored an art collection estimated to be worth $600 million. At present, the art collection's whereabouts is unknown and the subject of great intrigue."

Check out the photos of the home here.

Meanwhile, Jackson's primary residence - the Neverland Ranch - is also about to hit the market. Read more on that property here.

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