IPhone 7 Rumors: The next IPhone May Include Button Less Feature and Other Awesome Upgrades, Due to Release Early 2016

It's just been almost four months since the latest addition to iPhone was released. It was on September 9 this year that both iPhone 6 and 6S was unveiled and later on released to the market. Though some are still getting used to their new mobile phone, most iPhone enthusiast are now gearing up for the coming of the next iPhone, dubbed as iPhone 7.

Search engines are being hammered with keywords such iPhone 7 rumors and iPhone 7 leaks, just for the sake of having a glimpse of the possible iPhone design that the future may offer. And future according to some speculations would be early 2016. According to cnet; "though no official invitations have been made yet, however, the company's next big event is rumored to be scheduled for March 2016. And while it's possible we could also see a new iPhone early in 2016."

As mentioned, many individuals would like to know in advance the most distinct key feature of the upcoming iPhone 7. That is why, in the rumor mill of mobile phones and gadgetry, iPhone speculations abound. According to some reports, a major change would be noticed with iPhone 7's button less feature. Cnet detailed that;

"One of the more interesting iPhone 7 predictions involves a move away from the physical home button." And that "recent iPhone innovations -- specifically the pressure-sensitive 3D Touch screen and increasing always-on hands-free functionality of Siri -- have diminished the need for it, and that a buttonless iPhone would be a natural move for a company with such a strong preference for clean lines and simple design."

In terms of the display, it has also been rumored that the iPhone 7 would be utilizing a more powerful display screen. Guess we would have to say goodbye to the current models' Gorilla Glass and say hello to new and improved a "sapphire display." According to cnet, there is "durable rumor about a sapphire display, which would offer a higher degree of scratch and shatter-resistance". The said rumor is somehow being validated by the shift of other high end models of Apple Watch to such display preference.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the said upgrades of iPhone 7 would be the camera features. According to some rumors, Apple would be installing a 10-megapixel camera or two-lens DSLR-style camera. Whatever the choice would be, the result should be much greater than what is being observed with current camera of iPhone 6 and 6S.

The things presented should not be interpreted as facts, for in the coming days other rumors would be surfacing that may be directly opposite to what is being currently speculated. Guess we would just have to standby and wait for further updates.

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