PlayStation 4 News: Console Can Now Be Jailbroken Via Kernel Exploit, Claims Hacker

A new report about PlayStation 4 has surfaced on Tuesday saying that owners of the console can do a Kernel exploit to make the gaming device fully "jailbroken."

The news comes after a hacker who is known by the alias CTurt disclosed via Twitter that he was able to create his PlayStation 4 a fully jailbroken device, a report from Tech Times said.

"A jailbroken device, which in this case would be the PlayStation 4, will allow applications not approved by the device's manufacturer to be installed and run on the device. The hacker was able to jailbreak the video game console by utilizing a kernel exploit that he previously made. With a PlayStation 4 jailbreak now in the wild, gamers should expect homebrew apps and custom firmware coming to the console soon," the report said.

The hacker, however, noted that PlayStation 4 owners can exploit the gaming device if the version is 1.76. It was said that the jailbreak can be modified to work in the console's recently released firmware.

With this development, Sony may reportedly likely issue a cease and decease order to hackers who will attempt to tweak the PlayStation 4's firmware; otherwise, the company will be forced to file legal actions to remedy the situation.

"The current jailbreak allows dumping of the system RAM from other processes and installing custom firmware that can be used to run homebrew applications that aren't approved by Sony. Of course, there is still a few other security issues to get by, but it is a foot in the door for game piracy, which can affect the gaming market as a whole. Sony would certainly be unhappy with the launch of the PlayStation 4 jailbreak and would be trying hard to eliminate any vulnerabilities for the most recent version of PS4 firmware," The Hacker News said.

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