Crowdfunding Website Wants You to Pitch In for Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch

When news of Michael Jackson's famous (or infamous) Neverland Ranch in California hitting the market broke, it captured attention from all corners of the world. Therefore, when we spotted a crowd funding website urging people to pitch in some dollars to buy the iconic landmark, we weren't surprised.

Mark Blackwell, a screenwriter and former SPIN Magazine editor, has launched a crowd funding campaign on to raise $75 million to purchase Neverland ranch.

Here is an excerpt from Blackwell's "compelling" pitch:

"LET'S BUY IT! Seriously, I mean, let's freakin' buy it! And in doing so we can SAVE NEVERLAND from the terrible fate that will inevitably befall the place if someone much worse than us buys it! Let's leave that 9 to 5 upon the shelf and live it OFF THE WALL! At Neverland Ranch!'

That's not all. Blackwell has written a poem to motivate pledgers a little, the verses of which start off with:

"I'm giving you; On count of three; To show your stuff; Or let it be...."

and conclude with

"COME ON!!!; Let's make HIStory!"

Blackwell's bid to raise $75 million is based on an assumption that the ranch may sell for $60 million. Give and take a few additional operating and other costs - $75 million is what Blackwell is aiming for.

The pledging starts from $5 and goes up to $15,000. limits pledges to $15,000 but anyone interested in contributing more than that can get in touch with Blackwell. All the pledgers are ensured some rewards ranging from "a mention on social media" to "getting your name painted on a rock on the ranch!" The rewards get bigger with the pledge amount.

Blackwell notes that if "Neverland" never really goes up for sale or closes in a private settlement - the pledged money will go towards Blackwell's projects that ensures "you'll receive something entirely worthy of whatever level contribution you've made!"

The crowd funding page has a few unseen photos of Michael Jackson and President Bush and apparently more are to come.

Neverland Ranch

The Neverland Valley Ranch was home to Jackson for quite a while before its closure. He added an amusement park complete with rides, candy shops and lived there with Bubbles, the chimpanzee. According to The Independent, during his stay at the mansion, Jackson didn't really maintain much sanitary hygiene in the house.

"Michael sometimes ran around where the animals were, and he'd track... Poop throughout the house and think nothing of it," the publication quoted an anonymous maid telling the New York Post. "Then, if you said something, he'd threaten to make doo-doo snowballs and throw it at you."

"He literally peed on the floor of the entryway, right where you saw Oprah walk in. It was surreal. He just stood there, unzipped his trousers and watered the floor," another maid added.

Crowdfunding Mania

Crowdfunding websites have gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. More recently, a KickStarter campaign was launched to buy Laura Palmer's home from "Twin Peaks" fame to convert it into a B&B and museum dedicated to the series.

Another campaign wanted to raise $20,000 for a one-way-trip on Etihad Airway's upcoming flying suite!

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