Biopic about Michael Jackson's Pet Chimp Bubbles Leads in 2015 Black List

A film about a chimp that was adopted by the King of Pop, this is as interesting as it gets.

As reported by Rolling Stone Magazine, the film “Bubbles” garnered the most number of votes among all the screenplays on the annual Black List.

The Black List is a rundown of the best unproduced screenplays in Hollywood which are voted by over 500 executives.

The script “Bubbles” received 44 votes. It tells the story about the life of Bubbles, a chimpanzee that was adopted by Michael Jackson back in 1983.

Oh, did we tell you that the story will be narrated by the chimp himself? He narrates his life living with the King of Pop through the adoption, Jackson’s controversial life and scandals, and his release.

Bubbles was adopted by Jackson from a Texas research facility back in 1983. The chimp lived at the Neverland Ranch with Jackson and was almost inseparable, appearing mostly in public with Jackson in events like video shoots.

Jackson then revealed that Bubbles was given to a trainer in California because the chimp became over-aggressive. Bubbles then later transferred to a monkey sanctuary in Florida to this day.

The script was written by Isaac Adamson. Among the other biopic screenplays that followed “Bubbles” are “Stronger” by John Pollono, which tells the story of Jeff Bauman in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. This is followed by “Rocket” by Jeffrey Gelber and Ryan Belenzon, which tells the story about baseball player Roger “The Rocket” Clemens which is considered one of the greatest pitchers of all time but was not included in the Hall of Fame. Another biopic that tied with “Rocket” is “The Libertine” by Ben Kopit, which is about the head of French National Assembly that was placed in house arrest after sexual assault accusations.

You can view the complete list of the biopics that was ranked in The Black List over at Billboard.

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