Christmas Eve ‘Asteroid 163899’ Is Closing to Earth; While Huge Asteroid Will Hit Earth Said Professor Brian Cox

Christmas is fast approaching. It is the time that most people would celebrate the birth of Christ and rejoices that the heavens have sent a Messiah. However, veering away from the Christian belief, another object of interest is fast approaching aside from Christmas. According to some reports, a huge asteroid will pass by earth on the Christmas Eve.

This is not the first time that a significant occasion is accompanied by a passing of an asteroid. It can be remembered that an asteroid also past by earth nearing the Halloween period. In fact it was named "Spooky", the Halloween asteroid. Just after a month of a celestial object passing by on a significant date, another asteroid named "asteroid 2003 SD220, also known as asteroid 163899, is scheduled to make its closest approach to Earth on Christmas Eve, a.k.a. December 24, 2015. At more than 28 times the moon's distance," reported gizmodo.

Don't get to hysterical and fright yourself to death about the said news, for like the previous asteroids its passing would have minimal effect. NASA assured that it is nothing to worry about. So forget the Armageddon scenes running inside your head. Hence you should be thankful that "the object is slated to skim past Earth at a very comfortable distance of 6,700,000 miles (around 11 million km), or 0.074 AU. At that distance, it will only be visible to professional and amateur astronomers, who should be able to capture optimal images of the giant space rock," detailed gizmodo.

However, though this one would miss earth, one should not think that there is no possibility of an asteroid hitting this precious planet. For according to Professor Brian Cox via DailyMail, "there is an asteroid with our name on it and it will hit us." Guess we would just have to ask for an exclusion from these asteroids as a form gift this Christmas.

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