Facebook Real Estate Ad Offers $1000 Reward If 'Share' Seals The Deal

Who doesn't have Facebook nowadays? It won't even be that surprising if grandma and grandpa have one. The social networking service site is undeniably already a part of most people's lives, and it's no longer just for staying connected with loved ones, and a Portugal Cove-St. Philip's family is sure of that, CBC News reports.

Lori Ralph is hoping to sell her $589,000 home using the help of Facebook, and is even offering $1000 to anyone will successfully find them a buyer from sharing their post.

"The power of social media is amazing. It can find lost dogs, lost children. It can locate criminals, so we said why not try the housing market and see how that goes," said Lori.

And it looks like it is paying off. Just one week after publishing the post on the social media platform, the ad has already been shared 5,200 times and it has also earned her 7,200 hits on Kijiji.

"Right now, with this much exposure, we don't feel we need to use a realtor," Ralph told On the Go Tuesday.

She pushed the quirky idea when she estimated the amount that she will be able to save for not having to hire a realtor which could usually cost at around $30,000 for her four-bedroom, four-bathroom home.

"It also gives you the opportunity to give the buyer a better price because you don't have to pay a realtor all that money," said Ralph.

"First I was going to put the prize up as much higher because I thought maybe $1,000 isn't enough but $1,000 is getting a lot of action so maybe it is."

The homeowner is pretty surprised that even strangers are joining in the action and sharing her ad.

"It's far reaching and we don't know hardly any of those people...It's a real conversation piece for sure."

In case that the On the Go interview will lead to a sale, Ralph plans to "take the people who shared the Facebook post and I would put them in a draw and I would pick a person to win the $1,000."

Meanwhile, in the unlikely case that her two-storey, 4,200-square-foot house will still have no takers by spring, she might just have to find a real estate after - after breaking down.

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